My SMART Board Tools Won't Stay in the Task Bar

Do this: 1) click Start, 2) All Programs - right click on Start Up (in the middle column) - select Open. This will open the STart Up folder. Move this window over so it's out of your way. Now do this: 1) Click Start, 2) All Programs, 3) SMART Technologies, 4) SMART Product Drivers - right click on the SMART Board Tools icon and select copy. Go to the Start Up dolder window (the one that you moved over) and paste the icon into it, 5) AFTER YOU RESTART YOUR COMPUTER, THE TOOLS WILL APPEAR AT THE BOTTOM RIGHT OF YOUR SCREEN.

Making the Folder View Always the Same

Making the Folder View Always the Same
If you have a view preference for folder settings (icons, list, details, etc.), and you want to set all folder views to always be the same. To do this:
1.      open your H drive (or whatever your Home Drive is called)
2.      choose the view that you prefer             
3.      go to Tools
4.      Folder OptionsView tab – click Apply to all Folders – yes - ok


Classroom Applications:
·         Allows students to publish and author their writing for an audience.
·         Write a book that teaches about a topic, such as what composite numbers are or the life cycle of the plant or other expository text
·         Teachers may use the software to write stories that can be used to teach reading skills. These books may be read on a Smartboard or individually in a center activity.
Storyjumper is a free online tool that allows students to create, print and publish stories. It’s user-friendly features include: a) teacher created rosters within the private workspace for students, b) easy to set up multiple classes, c) teachers create a predetermined time limit for student’s to work on book, d) students can work on book from home; optional by teacher, e) books can be created from scratch or templates can be used, f) can import photos or scanned drawings, g) scenes & props are included and available for student use, h) books can be purchased or printed with assembly_*Good for independent work for 2-6, whole group work for K-1