– 5th Grade Class Poetry Book http://www.bookemon.com/book-profile/the-best-part-of-us/235365
Tutorial 1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Upsvj4bNQL8&feature=relmfu
Tutorial 2 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4GYdqTZjMRI&feature=relmfu
a free account – to view the example, you will sign in to your account.
Bookemon is a free, online book creation and sharing utility. There is no cost to join and there is no obligation to purchase. Share your books with family and friends on your own web/blog page, your network on popular social network sites or via email. Bookemon makes it quick and easy to share. It can be downloaded as a PDF, embedded or purchased..
Bookemon is a free, online book creation and sharing utility. There is no cost to join and there is no obligation to purchase. Share your books with family and friends on your own web/blog page, your network on popular social network sites or via email. Bookemon makes it quick and easy to share. It can be downloaded as a PDF, embedded or purchased..
and share your book as eBook completely free. There are many templates to
choose from, or create from scratch.
When you finish the book, it can be published by clicking on download – and it
will download a PDF version. You can then continue on and it will provide a
link that can be added to a PBWorks Wiki or blog.