Kahoot is a platform that allows you to create a quiz or survey, which consists of multiple choice questions. It’s projected at the front of the classroom, & played by the whole class together in real-time, and answered on their own personal device (Chromebook, laptop, phone, LearnPad – any device that has Internet access).
Teachers use https://getkahoot.com/
It has some very good pre-written quizzes that are applicable to the elementary curriculum that you can use and you can also create your own. Some of the features that make it a great tool are that students get immediate feedback, teachers can download results for the class (by student name, question and answer), making it a great way to know what needs to be retaught. Also, the quicker a student answers a question, the more points they get …. for some friendly competition.
After the quiz has been created by the teacher, the students use a launch code that is generated. Student use the website https://kahoot.it/#/ by typing in the URL “kahoot.it”.
Some of the prewritten quizzes that you can use are: Ancient Greece, Capital Cities, Hard and Fast Rules for Grammer. Fun with Factoring, I love the HEART, etc.
Teachers register for a free account…. students don’t need an account. I have a help guide if you would like some step-by-step directions for this. I'd also be glad to come to a collab meeting and show you how to create your own quizzes.