Little Bird Tales

Little Bird Tales

Create a free account. Import students. Manage classes. Upload photos for gallery or upload images on the spot. You may also draw pictures. Capture your child's voice and imagination with our creative story building tool and share them with friends and family.
This tool is easy to use, but younger students will require one-on-one assistance.


Example – 5th Grade Class Poetry Book

Requires a free account – to view the example, you will sign in to your account.
Bookemon is a free, online book creation and sharing utility. There is no cost to join and there is no obligation to purchase. Share your books with family and friends on your own web/blog page, your network on popular social network sites or via email. Bookemon makes it quick and easy to share. It can be downloaded as a PDF, embedded or purchased..
Publish and share your book as eBook completely free. There are many templates to choose from, or create from scratch.
** When you finish the book, it can be published by clicking on download – and it will download a PDF version. You can then continue on and it will provide a link that can be added to a PBWorks Wiki or blog.


ToonDoo – Creating Comics
YouTube Tutorial to create one comic-
High School Italian Renaisance example:
*If you choose ToonDoo, please understand that you will need to create a minimum of 2 ToonDoo Comics, and then use the ToonBook Maker to create a book.
ToonBookMaker Video Tutorial
ToonDoo provides a group of tools that make it easy for someone without drawing tools to create comics or "doos". When creating a basic "Doo", you can select from a number of layout styles in terms of numbers of panes. You have access to a large catalog of background images, props, characters, objects, and more. The ToonBook Maker is used to create a book out of your created toons.
The site does require the student to register for an account. This requires and email address to register. That limitation makes this a more valuable tool for older students. Younger students without email accounts may need to use their teacher accounts.

Students can create multi-frame comic strips. There are a variety of backgrounds, props, characters, text boxes and clip art to select from. The site also allows for the addition of images from the web or a personal image. There are many editing features available. Upon completion of your comic you can save it or send it. Students can save their strip and access it at a later time. They can also publish their comic online for the world to view.
There are a number of ways that his tool can be used as an instructional tool or assessment. Have students create a comic as a first day back project
to discuss their summer. Students create a comic that depicts a conversation between characters in a story or historical figures. Teachers create comics with various emotions to teach behaviors to special needs students. Students create a comic to kick off a creative writing assignment. Students create a comic using new vocabulary words that are being taught. Students in a world language course may create a comic that contains text written in the language studied. Have students create a comic to demonstrate knowledge of life skills such as speaking with a bank teller, ordering at a restaurant, speaking with a doctor or going on an interview Students may create a political cartoon. Students may create a comic that explains how to solve a math problem or provides an explanation for a science topic such as photosynthesis. Students may create a comic that consists of a conversation between historical figures or one that depicts an event from history. Students may create a comic that provides a first person account of a current event. Students may create a comic to interpret a scene form a story, analyze a character or an alternate scene or ending.

Zoo Burst

Example – My Trip to Egypt:
Zooburst Quickstart Guide -
or view from course documents
Youtube tutorial
Create a free account for the basic package. Anyone ages 13 or older with a valid email address can access the basic package. The classroom management tools are only available with the paid version. Adding text to photos is part of the free version, but voice is not. Hyperlinks can be added to photos as well. When finished with the book, click on Share to get the URL link for the book, or get the embed code and embed into your Wiki. The book can not be downloaded without a premium account. Post the URL link to your wiki, or embed it.
ZooBurst authors can share books with readers using a simple hyperlink, and books can easily be embedded in any website or blog, allowing authors to provide their own contextual framework to their stories. Authors can also maintain a moderated discussion forum for each book, providing a virtual space in which readers can interact with one another.
Readers who have a camera installed on their computer can also experience any ZooBurst book in Augmented Reality. Using nothing more than a standard webcam, visitors can hold up a special symbol to the webcam to
watch as a 3D pop-up book “jumps” out of the paper and into the room around them. In addition, our Augmented Reality mode also allows readers the ability to interact with a book using simple gestures. For example, simply waving your hand in front of a book will allow you to turn its pages back and forth.

Picture Book Maker

Picture Book Maker
Picture Book Maker is a simple online picture book creator, but is limited in characters and backdrops. The illustrations look hand drawn with crayon and can be adjusted to fit the story. Each picture has actions; these are multiple poses of the same character. All of the characters for the story are animals– monkey, rhino, giraffe, and penguin. There are also several backdrops and props for students to include in their story. When the book has been completed, it can be sent to a parent or teacher via email, or printed out. However, once you start this story, it must be finished. No editing options once you shut down your computer.
How to integrate Picture Book Maker into the classroom: Picture Book Maker is a fun way for students to publish stories online. Students can pick animals to write a story about, the penguin could be used as a spin off of Mr. Popper’s Penguins. A class story could be created on the SmartBoard.